Did you know that crematoriums in Quebec can be built next to your home?
Would you accept that a crematorium or an animal incinerator be built across the street from a daycare or a school? Yet this is common practice in Quebec!
Did you know that crematorium stacks emit 10 of the 12 most toxic pollutants in the world, including dioxins and mercury? Let's ask the government to stop this absurdity in order to avoid these unnecessary exposures and risks to health and the environment.
The more signatures, the more this petition will become a priority for the government. It must be signed by June 12, so please share it with everyone you know.
In Quebec, crematoriums are not considered incinerators, yet they are!
A lax and outdated regulation governs their establishment and operation. We must put an end to the construction of crematoriums near residential areas, parks, schools and other sensitive areas in Quebec. In addition, we must adopt new regulations to clean up the polluting and toxic fumes emitted by their chimneys. Simple solutions exist. Let's demand them!
The moratorium is a suspension of activities regarding the construction of future crematoriums in sensitive areas. This moratorium and a new regulation for the existing ones will assure us a quality of life in a healthier environment!
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